Privacy Policy


Our app, Gourmate (the "App"), respects your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we handle any personal data we might have when you use our App. Since we do not collect or use your personal data, this policy is limited.

Data Collection and Use

Gourmate does not collect any personal data. This means we do not collect information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses. The App does use location-based features, but this information is stored only on your device and is not accessible to us. We do not collect any non-personal data beyond what Apple provides to developers.

Data Storage and Security

All data used by Gourmate is stored locally on your device. This means the data you create or input into the App is only stored on your device and is not accessible by us or any third party.

User Rights

As a user of Gourmate, you have full control over your data. You have the right to access, read, write, and delete your data at any time.

Policy Changes

Any changes to this privacy policy will be notified to users through the App.

Third-Party Links

While the App does not currently contain third-party links, future updates may include links to websites that have their own privacy policies.

Children’s Privacy

Gourmate is safe for children under the age of 13. However, it does not specifically target children under 13.


Lucid Icons (ISC License) – ImageViewer (MIT License) – SwiftUI-Introspect (MIT License) – MCEmojiPicker –

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or your privacy as you use Gourmate, please contact us at